The Netherlands


In the Netherlands there are two levels of engineering education.

1. Polytechnical level (“hogescholen”)

  • Courses of 3 year’s study + 1 year’s practical training (3U + 1T). The training period is an integral part of the course and is supervised by the Polytechnic.
  • There are separate institutions:
    Agricultural polytechnics: agriculture and food technology
    Polytechnics: technology, marine engineering, laboratory techniques.
  • Graduates bear the legally protected title of “ingenieur”, abbreviated to “ing.” before the name or alternatively “B” after the name.

2. University level (TH or TU)

  • Until the academic year 1982-1983 all university engineering formations entailed a 5 years’ curriculum. As from 1983 until 1994 all university formations became 4 years’ study. From the academic year 1995-1996 onwards university engineering education entails 5 years’ study, with some exceptions (see below B *).
  • Graduates bear the legally protected title of “ingenieur”, abbreviated to “ir”. Only the university engineers are the object of the CLAIU-EU Register (see paragraph B).

Since 2003 graduates with 5 years’ study can choose to bear the legally protected title of ingenieur, ir or after their name the English title M.Sc ( Master of Science) and the undergraduate title of B.Sc ( Bachelor of Science).

See full document
See appendix