“Employability of engineering graduates: a vision for the future”. 13/14 March 2014, Brussels
This is a CLAIU-EU Conference in partnership with SEII.
Climate, energy, insecurity about our future …, we are faced with huge challenges. In order to meet them and to respond to the many problems they entail, engineers will have an essential role to play, particularly in Europe, which lacks natural resources and competitiveness. Do European engineers receive the appropriate education to come up to the expectations of their various employers ? This conference intends to draw the current status of the question, with a special view on future needs for all types of engineers ( Bachelor, Master or doctoral degrees ). Read more – and see upcoming activities.
Marta Cortesão
Marta is a MSc Student on Molecular and Celular Biology at FCUP, Porto, Portugal and Member of BEST Educational Committee
Title of her presentation: ‘Engineering education and its impact on young graduates’.
Bernard Remaud
Former President of CTI (Commision des Titres d’Ingenieurs) and Member of ENAEE, France
Title of his presentation : ” Lessons learnt from the accreditation of civil engineering programmes in Belgium”
Iacint Manoliu and Barbara Karleusa
Professor Manoliu of Technical University of Civil Engineering in Bucharest, Romania
Professor Karleusa of University of Rijeka, Croatia
Both speakers are respectively Chair and Vice- Chair of the Standing Committee of ECCE
Title of this presentation: ” Employability of engineering graduates and the Bologna process – findings of surveys conducted by the European Council of Civil Engineers “
Patricija Kara

Scientific researcher and Lector – Riga Technical University (Latvia), IAESTE A.s.b.l. Board member (Luxembourg) IAESTE
Title of her presentation: “IAESTE – Connecting students & companies for more than 65 years for shaping our future together.”
Jose Ignacio Garbizu and Maria Nuno Valdes
He is Dean of the Colegio Ingenieros Industriales de Gipuzcoa, Spain

She is Member of the Executive Board of the Spanish Association of Telecommunications Engineers, Spain
Title of this presentation: ” Employability of engineers: new challenges within a difficult economic landscape “.
Ian Freeston
Prof.Emeritus of University of Sheffield, Higher Education Advisor of Engineerng Council, Member of EUR-ACE label
Title of his presentation: ” En
gineering graduates for employment”
William Grimson
Former Head of Dep. Electrical Engineering and Academic registrar from Dublin Institute of Technology, Vice-President of Engineers Ireland
Title of his presentation: “Employability of engineering graduates “
Siobhán Mc Grath
General Secretary of EYE- European Young Engineers
Tite of his presentation: “Volunteering and global skills : a young engineer’s perspective”
Frank-Stefan Becker
Former executive of Siemens AG, Germany with focus on communications, govrnment affairs and higher issues’ education ( Siemens generation 21)
Title of his presentation: “Engineering education – academic interests versus industry needs”
Christian Jourquin – key note speaker
rmer CEO of the Solvay Group, Member Board of Directors SEII, Belgium
Title of his presenation : “Engineers: Leaders for innovation, integration and direction”